These are unprecedented times and we are sad to say we cannot offer the level of service we would like, and are accustomed to delivering, however we are doing our best as realise how stressful this is for you all, and the following information is to try and help you chose the right size.
Below are the details on the best way to contact us, how to measure your dog, and the measurements of the 117 muzzles which will fit the majority of dogs coming under the ban.
SIZING- the guide below will help, but please contact us if you need clarification on anything
It is extremely helpful if you have measured your dog before ringing or emailing.
The phone number is 07756395416 and we are currently open until 8pm every night and 11:00 to 4:00pm at weekends. Please do not send a text or leave a message as we are duplicating calls not knowing who we are calling back, keep ringing and someone will answer the phone!
To email click on the following link:
If you don't get a reply to your email then please ring or send a nudge!
Circumference for the depth
The basket on the 117 DIGBY is 44cm in circumference, the 117 Clifford is 40cm in circumference.
If you measure the circumference around the dogs muzzle, measured with the tape snug and the dogs mouth closed as shown on Dan below left, then generally a measurement up to approx 26cm would fit the Clifford, and anything up to 36cm could fit the Digby. But please double check by holding a loop of tape at 40cm or 44cm over the end of their nose as shown on Riley's photo below. the dogs must be able to open their mouths to pant for safety and comfort.
If they do not have enough room in the muzzle they will constantly try and remove it and never settle with it on.
If the muzzle baskets are big enough for them to pant they will also be wide enough.
Riley's photo (below right) shows that he would have enough room to comfortable open his mouth to pant.
Length the accuracy is not critical as the muzzles come with a long head strap to ensure they are a good fit. Measure the side of the head from the tip of the nose to the base of the ear as shown below (Not behind the ear)
The muzzles are available in 3 lengths to choose from:
20cm- for a length measuring up to 20cm
22.5cm - for a length measuring up to 22.5cm
25cm for anything else.
We're nearly there!
You now know what length to pick and whether you
need a Digby or a Clifford.
The final couple of checks are to ensure the muzzle will be a good fit. There should be a gap at the end of the muzzle to make sure it doesn't rub the dogs nose. The basket length is 9cm, this means the muzzle- from below their eyes (where the muzzle will rest) to the tip of the nose needs to be at least 6cm, any shorter and then we would need to modify a muzzle. If it is longer that's great! The red line on Bambi's photo shows where to measure.
Bambi's photo shows how they should fit, it should be placed on their face away from their eyes, away from the end of their nose and there should be a gap underneath to allow them to pant. It is essentially a light, loose cage around the dogs muzzle. The 117 weighs approximately 110g, the 117 light is 85g.
The head strap is long enough to allow you to get the muzzle in a good position, if it is too short then let us know (but no one has said this yet!).
They don't feel tight, or fitted
and can move around on their
face as they are so light.
However the dogs tolerate
them really easily.
The muzzles Digby and Clifford and can be found in the link below. They are £22.75 to £27 and can be returned for a refund if they do not fit. However we will do all we can to make sure we help you with the right size.
The standard £27.00 is made of nylon and weighs approx 110g, the £22.75 lightweight is made of very lightweight plastic weighing 85g and will not be suitable for dogs who rub the muzzle on the floor or try and paw it off their face.
All dogs need training and careful introduction to a muzzle if done correctly and they have enough panting room they will quickly tolerate it.
117 Giant Muzzles | The Muzzle Shop
117 Giant Muzzles Light | The Muzzle Shop​
Clifford- Basket circumference 40cm. Basket width 11cm and length 9cm. Overall lengths available 20cm, 22.5cm, 25cm. The muzzles go wider to fit the sides of their cheeks.
Digby- Basket circumference 44cm. Basket width 11cm and length 9cm. Overall lengths available 20cm, 22.5cm, 25cm. The muzzles go wider to fit the sides of their cheeks.
If it isn't clear which size you need, or you are unsure then please ring or email and we will help you.
Telephone 07756395416
To email click here or type in