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Special Order 117 Lightweight

Special Order 117 Lightweight


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If you have ordered a muzzle via email and have been advised that we are ready to take payment then please pay by selecting this item.


This is for payment of the 117 Lightweight muzzles at £22.75.


These are made from a lighter softer plastic than the standard 117 Giant muzzles and are a basket style which means the dogs can drink with the muzzle on. It is possible to feed them treats when wearing the muzzle, although the small gaps in the front of the muzzle limit what size of treat you can give them.


They are a softer plastic than the 117 and won't be suitable for dogs that are aggressive and likely to bite, nor will they stand up to be rubbed on the floor or a heavy dog trying to paw them off.

It is essential to slowly introduce a muzzle  over a number of days, you should not fasten the muzzle immediately as the dog needs to desensitise to something on their face, nor should you put the muzzle on and leave the dog unattended, they'll become distressed and do everything they can to take the muzzle off.   We can't stress enough that in every day use the muzzles will last, but they are very lightweight, designed with comfort in mind and will not stand up to a heavy dog pawing it off their face, or rubbing it on the floor. 

Please click here for muzzle training tips.



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